Facelift: how to choose a skin tightening procedure

Timely use of skin care products can delay the appearance of age-related changes on the face, but can not stop it. When the skin loses elasticity and firmness and the contour "floats", it is necessary to look for ways to correct the situation. Modern cosmetology offers alternatives to radical surgical methods. We will talk about facial rejuvenation with the help of various lifting procedures.

Plasmolifting is an injection method of facial skin rejuvenation

At a certain age, the skin becomes pale, swollen, wrinkles appear more and more. The face looks tired due to the appearance of drooping eyebrows and eyelids and nasolabial folds. The visual signs of aging seen by others do not add optimism to a woman.

All these factors are associated with changes in the superficial muscular aponeurotic system SMAS (Superficial muscular aponeurotic system). This is an area of the facial muscles that stretches over time and causes the contour to "fall off". Muscles can no longer keep the skin in good condition. Then hardware cosmetology helps to tighten the skin in a safer, more effective and less traumatic way than plastic surgery. Among them are SMAS facelift and other technologies.

What is face lifting

The easiest way to tighten the skin is to use creams. If you collect valuable jars, you can do daily facelift at home. The device is cheaper than cosmetology and, moreover, is not so scary.

Facial cream-lifting is divided into night and day, for a narrow purpose - anti-aging. They can also vary significantly in terms of consistency (like gel, light or fairly dense). Pay attention to its composition: collagen, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, oils and vitamins should be there. Opinions of cosmetologists about some cosmetic lifting products for the face are positive if you start using it at the age of 30 and do it regularly.

Natural masks also give a light lifting effect, you can safely combine them with advanced cosmetic developments. For example, oatmeal and olive oil mask. Another option is a strawberry mask (+ egg white and a few drops of apricot kernel oil) or cucumber (+ white clay and lemon juice).

The face lift serum has become popular among beauty lovers as it helps fight wrinkles and compress the plain. The product should contain the necessary components for rejuvenation, as well as peptide complexes, as in the cream. Face lifting in such a house is an indispensable part of Korean skin care.

Many women do face lifting with facial massage. For example, jade reduces swelling and supports lymph function. It is very suitable for contouring and working tight muscles such as the masticatory muscle.

If you decide to have a facelift in the cosmetologist's office, you should prepare for the procedure. Remember a few important rules.

  • You should stop smoking two weeks before facelift (because it affects blood circulation) and during the recovery period.
  • Do not take blood thinners for two weeks.
  • The day before the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hair to avoid infection and get a good night's sleep.
  • On average, a facelift lasts from 1 to 4 hours. It is used depending on the complexity of anesthesia.
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to give up alcohol for a while and avoid stress.

Types of facial lifting operations

When age-related changes can no longer be corrected with cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery can help.

Tightening of round skin

With circular compressions, the doctor works only with the top layer of skin. That is why it is often called superficial. Lifting the face and neck in this way helps to smooth wrinkles and flatten the plain. We often talk about the correction of the following areas:

  • middle part of face;
  • frontotemporal zone;
  • outer part of eyebrows;
  • cheeks;
  • areas around the corners of the eyes;
  • anterior and lateral surfaces of the neck.

After the operation, you need to stay in the hospital, and a week later the stitches are removed. After eight weeks, the swelling should disappear completely. During this period, your doctor may recommend massage and physiotherapy. You can evaluate the photo taken before and after the facelift. The result will be known in about 6 months. The main nuances of the circular elevator:

  • It is considered the most traumatic and serious of all interventions.
  • The effect lasts for several years - it is desirable to repeat after ten years.
  • Not recommended for women under 40.
  • Subcutaneous lifting affects only the upper layers of the skin - for minor adjustments.
  • Smas-lifting involves tightening not only the skin of the face, but also fat and muscle tissue. This is a deeper intervention to correct strong deficiencies.

You should not wash your hair for a week during the rehabilitation period, lie on your face for the first three days. Also, avoid exercising, going to the pool and sauna for three months.

Endoscopic facial stretching

Endoscopic lifting solves the problem of lowering eyebrows, removing facial wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows. It also corrects the loss of volume of the zygomatic region and removes the nasolabial fold. Lifting the upper third of the face is also compatible with blepharoplasty and lifting the lower third of the face and neck. This method does not make long incisions in the scalp, but small incisions, there is no skin cleansing technique. No need to shave.

If the age-related changes are moderate, the procedure will be effective and as painless as possible. And it will help rejuvenate the face. However, with significant deviations, you will have to resort to the previous method. The recovery time for a facelift is approximately the same as for a facelift. As well as restrictions on the recovery period. Nuances of endoscopic approach:

  • There are no visible wounds, but for a while the sensation of pulling in the area of the stitches may be disturbing.
  • Patients between the ages of 30 and 45 are allowed.
  • The anti-aging effect obtained will last for five years or more, depending on individual characteristics.

Endoscopic intervention is unacceptable for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid, internal organs and other health problems, as in the case of circular facelift.

Do not lift the face with a rope

Using ropes of different materials is considered a small operation. Strengthens & supports skin frameIn their place, as it dissolves, collagen appears, which improves the elasticity of the skin. The procedure allows you to remove deep wrinkles, correct the oval of the face and lift the corners of the eyes and lips. This facelift can be called the best among surgical interventions.

The threads are inserted under the skin through a needle. The doctor makes notches and stretches the skin, straightens the threads in the tissues. After a while, connective fibers are formed around them. They will straighten their faces. Other nuances of the process:

  • The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
  • The operation takes about 40 minutes, not more than an hour.
  • Allowed for girls over 30, but not for ladies over 45.
  • Obesity is a serious contraindication - the ropes will not be able to withstand the load of some tissues.
  • There is no rehabilitation period, puncture marks disappear within three days.
  • It is important to take care of the face in terms of facial expressions - for several days it is forbidden to laugh, cry and express strong emotions.

Non-surgical face lifting

Every woman wants to look more beautiful and younger without surgery. Also, choose a procedure that has a long-lasting effect. We will talk about the most effective.

Radio wave face lifting (RF-lifting)

The procedure is compared to a rejuvenating apple, because the changes are almost immediately noticeable. With the help of high-frequency and vacuum radio waves, the doctor can correct the following shortcomings:

  • skin wrinkles and creases;
  • second jaw, face "floating" oval;
  • enlarged pores;
  • atrophic scars, after acne;
  • pigmentation and redness;
  • crow's feet and bags under the eyes;
  • Squeeze dull and pale skin.

According to reviews, most patients are satisfied with the result after RF face correction. About 90% of women report rapid results of rejuvenation and skin shrinkage, visible changes to the naked eye. The method has a number of advantages:

  • Allowed at any time of the year.
  • The process takes about 20 minutes and does not require anesthesia.
  • A pleasant warm-up procedure after the affected area makes it attractive.
  • The effect lasts for several months and lasts for about two years.
  • There is no age limit.

In addition to facelift, RF-lifting of the body can also be performed. The doctor can correct problem areas such as the hips, abdomen, décolleté and neck. Also get rid of excess skin caused by intense weight loss. The price for such a facelift varies depending on the area you want to adjust.

Home lifting devices that can be used at home are available commercially. They are inferior to professionals in terms of efficiency. In addition, care must be taken when exposed to vacuum. However, this should be done by a specialist.

Ultrasonic face lifting

Most procedures do not go deeper than one and a half millimeters inside the skin. Ultrasound facial lifting remains the only hardware technology capable of pulling tissues at a deep level - SMAS. Available in up to 5 ml for the method. "Flights" removes the second jaw, sagging skin, evens out the relief, tightens the neck muscles. The nuances of the brackets are as follows:

  • The procedure lasts about an hour, the sensations are moderately painful.
  • Redness and slight swelling of the skin is possible after the session.
  • After lifting SMAS, the face continues to look younger - the effect is considered cumulative and grows in about five months.
  • Stable results are provided for 5 years after a single session.

Do not lift the face with the needle

With the help of this apparatus procedure, radio wave energy is delivered to the skin layer to 0, 5-3, 5 mm. Micro needles penetrate to a depth determined by a doctor. For this reason, the skin immediately shrinks and thickens. After a month and a half, the process of regeneration and synthesis of new collagen begins.

Multi-needle facelift is performed under local anesthesia in the form of a cream. You can already. Before that, the skin is cleaned with an antiseptic. The doctor performs the procedure using disposable cartridges with needles, the type of nozzle is discussed during the consultation. Micro needles are gold-plated. Lifting can solve a number of problems.

  • Squeeze the skin around the eyes.
  • Correct the contour of the face and skin.
  • Correct the relief of the skin, narrow the pores.
  • Heals scars & stretch marks
  • Increase skin elasticity.
  • Remove the spider veins.

The face may remain red for about two days, and swelling is noticeable. The result is immediate, but the skin condition improves within a month. This is due to the production of collagen-elastin scaffolding.

Plasmolifting of the face

The method is injectable and involves the introduction of platelet-rich plasma into the patient's own blood. Human blood plasma contains fibrin and collagen. It will not cause allergies and is biologically compatible with the tissues that need to be regenerated.

This method activates natural anti-aging processes. The operation is performed without anesthesia, and then there is usually no swelling, only small bruises are possible. Squeezing the skin corrects the following shortcomings:

  • undesirable pigmentation;
  • loss of elasticity, deterioration of turgor;
  • noticeable facial wrinkles;
  • wet wrinkles on the skin;
  • gray and "tired" appearance of the face;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • scars and stretch marks on the skin;
  • hair loss and bad condition.

The method is applied to any part of the body with defects. It can be done by people between the ages of 18 and 65 - better in winter and fall. The positive effect after facelift is noticeable after 10 days. After the first injection, someone begins to like the reflection in the mirror. The result, as with all procedures, depends on age, skin condition and body characteristics.